April Showers Bring May Problems

Spring has officially sprung here in Bellbrook, OH. The flowers are blooming, trees are budding and life is becoming much more vibrant. Before the thunderstorms and heavy rains take their toll, here are some preventative things you can do to make sure your house is ready to take on the weather.

Spring Check List:

  • Clean out your gutters so that there are no blockages and the water can properly drain off the roof
  • Make sure your sump pump is working and has been properly maintained
  • Make sure the roof shingles are all in place and you didn’t lose any over the winter
  • Examine your home’s foundation and fill any low spots in with compacted soil
  • Check the attic to make sure that there have not been any leaks that could worsen
  • Replace any damaged siding or trim so that water cannot get in and rot it
  • If you were storing firewood against the house, move it to a different location

Taking these proactive measures could save you money down the road! Want more ideas on things to do to avoid an unforeseen issue? Give us a call!

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