6 Home Security Tips

6 Home Security Tips

It is hard to believe but in the U.S. there is a burglary every 20 seconds! With that in mind, there are things you can do to make your home more secure, and in some cases, save on your home insurance. Protect your home and family by following these home safety tips! Want more? Give…

Do I Need Business Insurance?

Do I Need Business Insurance?

Running a small business such as a HVAC/air conditioning service, landscaping, barber/hair stylist, etc? It is more important than you might think to have insurance for your business. Here are a few reasons we encourage you to carry business insurance: Protect yourself from lawsuits. No matter how great your clients are, you never know what…

New Dogs in Town!

New Dogs in Town!

There is something wonderful about a small town and the people in it. Bellbrook Insurance is excited to be joining the Bellbrook community! They are located in the heart of downtown right near a fan favorite, the Dairy Shed. The business may be new to town, but the guys making it happen, are not! Meet…